It has been raining for two days straight here and I have not really been up the garden at all, we had a glorious bank holiday weekend but I was working most of it. So in between the showers today I finally went out and took a look. The mix of some good sunshine and now some rain has really done some good.
The Potatoes are going well, both the lates in the raised bed and the earlies in the tubs.
My Tomatoes have been out of the greenhouse about a month or so now and I am quite happy with them. The are Tumbling Tom bush cherry variety, which did really well for me last year.
Mean while in the flowery part of the garden........ Lupins, Digitalis and Forsythia are coming on strong.
One of my two apple trees on blossom, the other looks like it is on deaths door, hardly any leaves and its blossom, what little of it there was has gone brown. I think its dead.
Last year I bought some creeping Thyme which I have moved around a little some of them are doing better that others. I want a carpeted area of it so I can rub my hands amongst it.
In the shed bed, the Dog Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) surrounding my tiny Kiwi Vine has taken well, to its left some Lily's of some kind and to its right the old rose bush that was in the bed when we moved in. All the earthy gaps I have filled with wild flowers and poppy's for this year.
Lavander is slowly growing around my now dead looking Discovery apple tree.
My Shady plants are happy too, one of my astilbe's below.
And finally the ferns and Hosta's, which I am growing on in pots and buying more of until I get round to building my Shade Garden Planter some time this summer.