But its time to think about next year and what a year it should be with my new greenhouse and raised beds. With all the extra growing room its been really enjoyable seed shopping this year, and variety is the aim for next year. So I thought I would have a little run through of some of what I will be growing.


Finally the last 'melon' i am going to grow is called the 'Incan Mouse Melon', also know as the Mexican Mouse Melon, it is believed to have been a staple food for Amerindians before us European's turned up. I am not sure if these are true melons at all but I have read they are small grape sized fruit similar in taste to a cucumber. This again has come from Russia and thus the information is all in Russian. This will be another experiment but I am sure some of you Americans will have come across this before.
I love beetroot and not just pickled. Chocolate and beetroot cake is soooo good. So every year I grow plenty, this year I grew two varieties Detriot and Cylindra and I will grow them again next year. The new addition to my beetroot family will be Touchstone Gold a very rare strain that I am told was near extinction a few years back. As the name suggests it is a yellow beet, I wonder if it stains your hands as bad as your normal beetroot?
French Bean
I have never got round to ever growing french beans, so for my first attempt I have gone for an heirloom variety 'Cherokee Trail of Tears'. This comes again from America but more specifically from the Cherokee Nation of Native North Americans. The history of this variety also adds to its prestige, being one of the few crops the Cherokee took with them when they were driven out of their native lands, hence the name 'Trail of Tears'.
I am growing two new varieties next year as well as the ones I usually grow. The first is called 'Latah' a very early cherry tomato Idaho, USA. It tolerates a very cool summer and can crop as early as June/July. The other variety is called 'Millefleur Yellow Vine Tomato' and is a centiflor type. Centiflor's are a new type of tomato I am told growing hundreds of 3/4 inch fruits on huge flower truss's. It is safe to say I do not know what to expect with this. I can imagine how it is going to look.
Finally another Russian acquisition, simply called on the packet 'Rhubarb XXL Size'. I would expect this is quite a late variety which will complement my early types I have already. The XXL size intrigues me and I look forward to seeing how big it will grow and if the taste will be as good. This I have bought as seed so its going to be a season or two before I get to see what this is really like.
I have also gone for some Elephant Garlic along with a more standard variety White Solent growing these both for the first time. The are already in the ground over wintering and doing well. Also already planted are my onions a Japanese variety of which i can not remember what they are called. Just got to get myself some blue potatoes and I will be happy!